
Jefferson Wants You Incentive Fund recipients

The first two recipients of the Jefferson Wants You Incentive Fund have been announced.  Kristin Lang and Sara Ostrander each received $5,000 toward their start-up costs for their respective new […]

“Chews Jefferson” Event begins June 1

Chews Jefferson is a Wednesday lunch event for the summer.  It will begin on Wednesday, June 1 and continue each week through the end of August.  Residents and visitors are […]

Java & Juice at Thomas Jefferson Gardens June 17

A Java & Juice event will be on Friday, June 17 from 9:30-10:00 a.m. at Thomas Jefferson Gardens located at 201 E. Lincoln Way. The event will be held inside […]

Local Musicians Headline Upcoming Music at TJ Gardens

The first concert of the summer series to be hosted by Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County will feature two regional musicians, Michael Dowd and Von Ketelsen, on Saturday, May […]