Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation explored how the organization can continue its mission to serve as a catalyst to leverage and coordinate resources while providing opportunities for leadership and vision. Their annual Awards Night was held via Zoom on April 7 where distribution of funds for 2020 were awarded amidst the COVID-19 social distancing becoming a major impact in the county. Wild Rose Jefferson was among those businesses closed and the income Grow Greene County receives to distribute is also impacted.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Grow Greene County would like to provide assistance in Greene County with these areas in mind:
- Education/Families
- Food/Essentials
- Public Health
- Greene County Businesses
The concept to help our Greene County businesses is this: Grow Greene County would partner with Jefferson Matters: Main Street, Greene County Development Corporation and Jefferson Area Chamber to provide $10,000. This would be used to purchase $300 gift certificates directly from the Greene County businesses. Criteria for being involved would be
- Greene County owned business with a storefront
- 10 or less employees
- Significantly impacted by mandated storefront closure or hours limited by COVID 19
- Can provide $300 worth of gift certificates in $25 denominations
Businesses were contacted via email through the partner organizations to offer participation as funds were available. Jefferson Matters: Main Street received the Grow Greene County Funds and purchased the gift certificates directly from the Greene County businesses.
These gift certificates will be distributed by Raccoon Valley Radio (KGRA FM 98.9) as part of a give- away promotion on the radio. Raccoon Valley will work on the give-away concept along with their mission to encourage shop local. The radio station will distribute or mail the gift certificates to winners. The give-away could have themes such as restaurant week, Mother’s Day, Spring Fling, Support the Graduate, etc. but be distributed as soon as possible during the month of May.
The businesses involved would receive publicity on the air through these gift certificates along with more encouragement for people to shop local and support local businesses during this time. The partners would encourage people to listen to the local radio station for these give-aways through social media and websites.