2025 Ring Out for Art Application It includes information and an application that you can download, print and complete.
More information about Ring Out for Art.
The Greene County Board of Supervisors, Tower View Team and Home State Bank have invited sculptors to submit entries of outdoor sculptures to the juried contest since 2017.
Sculptures are selected by the committee comprised of the three entities involved and approved by the Board of Supervisors. They are critiqued on artistic merit, creativity, public safety and durability for the outdoor environment. Sculptures must fit within a 4′ x 4′ square with no height requirement. A high quality photo of the sculpture and/or a scale model of front and back of each sculpture is required along with other information.
Each of the sculptures selected received a $1,000 stipend. An online public vote was held and Joe Malasky from Missouri won the Public Choice Award with his fish sculpture “Angelica”, so it will remain on the Bell Tower Square until April 30, 2022. This sculpture received an additional $500.
Below are the four 2021 Ring Out for Art Sculptures. It includes information and an application that you can download, print and complete.

Winner of the Peoples Choice Award

2020 Ring out for Art Sculptures:
2019 Ring Out for Art Sculptures: