Design News

Decorative posts created by high school students

Have you been downtown and noticed the new pillars installed in the planters located around the square? These beautiful locally created decorative supports are the result of a unique partnership […]

Design News

Building Facade Mini-Grant Application Up to $500

Purpose of Program: The purpose of this grant program is to assist building owners in Jefferson to improve the historic exterior appearance of their buildings. Please review the Design Guidelines […]

Design News

The HartBeat of Main Street Grant Program Helping small businesses respond and adapt to COVID-19

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the HartBeat of Main Street Grant Program. Grants of $5,000 to $15,000 will be awarded to support brick-and-mortar small businesses in commercial districts as […]

Design News

The Forge honored as one of 14 Iowa historic preservation projects

A barn in Ogden, a courthouse in Decorah, a tiny cemetery chapel in Avoca and a sprawling military base on the south side of Des Moines – these are just four […]