Gravitate Coworking space in Jefferson info via Raccoon Valley Radio
This article was posted on June 26, 2019 on Raccoon Valley Radio’s website with Coltrane Carlson reporting.
Close to 35 people attended the initial meeting about possibly developing a coworking space in Jefferson.
Greene County resident and community leader Chris Deal and Gravitate Coworking Co-Founder Geoff Wood led the meeting. Deal talked about the opportunities that Greene County could have with a coworking space. He said it will give people who remotely work in the county, freelancers and entrepreneurs an area where they can do their work and conduct business meetings. It also allows for person-to-person connections and community members working together in a single space. He explained his experience with the same model that Wood help to establish in two locations in the Des Moines area.
“It’s a fun vibe and people are there all the time and they’re using them. It does create this unique community of people who otherwise are working remote or are working at a small office. It gives them some of the amenities they wouldn’t have otherwise and really that group and that comradery they wouldn’t have otherwise. We’re really excited about the opportunity to potentially to bring here to Jefferson and Greene County.”
Wood said they offer three monthly memberships at the two locations in Des Moines and Valley Junction. The first option is called “floating desk” where the individual would utilize a communal desk as a daily workplace. The next option is a “dedicated desk” for those who want a more permanent workspace with personal items to decorate it. The third choice is “private” for small groups to use. Those with memberships have access to the facilities during non-operational hours.Wood points out they also have coffee, tea, fruit water and craft beers available, along with providing conference rooms and a phone booth for members.
While no specific locations were discussed at the meeting, Wood said the ideal spot would be in a densely populated area within walking distance to other amenities in town. He explained where he goes from here.
“I think the next step is to figure out the true interest to bring a space if there’s enough interested individuals to help make a space be successful here. We did a survey so a lot of people filled out their interest. We haven’t really had a chance to synthesize that and understand like what the real interest is. But early indications are positive.”
For those who would like to learn more or give their feedback, contact Wood via email at