Thomas Jefferson recognized Christmas as a time for family and friends and for celebrations, or in Jefferson’s word, “merriment.” In 1762, he described Christmas as “the day of greatest mirth and jollity.”
The 2020 version of the Holiday Season, while restrained because of the Covid-19 pandemic, will be one of embracing merriment at the Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County.
The volunteer TJG Board members will be “hanging the greens” after Thanksgiving. Evergreen swag will be draped around the fencing, interlaced with white lights. In addition, a huge tree donated by Deal’s Orchards will be erected on the lawn and will be lit on DECEMBER 3rd. This tree lighting event will begin with Christmas music being played at 6:00 P.M.
Santa will be making a roof top appearance at 6:15. He will not be doing his usual visiting with children of all ages, but will be securing the letters submitted to him from the Santa mailbox located at the Welcome Center front door.
Adjacent to the Santa mailbox is the Tag a Tree sign up. Individuals, including children, should write their name, provide a phone number and make a wish. If their name is drawn, they will receive a $25.00 Chamber Bucks. Submissions should be completed by December 10th.
The public is invited to this outdoor event, but COVID caution should be used. (Social distancing, wearing of masks and thorough hand-washing when returning home).
Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County will be arranging for Christmas stories read by local volunteers and will be available on Jefferson Telephone cablevision ON DEMAND beginning on December 3rd.