The Thomas Jefferson Board will host its third and most likely the final “Meet Your Legislator” of 2021, on Saturday April 10th at 10:00 A.M. The legislative forum will be held at the Thomas Jefferson Gardens Welcome Center in Jefferson, Iowa.
Senator Jesse Green and Representative Phillip Thompson, will interreact with their constituents of Greene County. The session will be a hybrid. This means face to face at the Welcome Center, with the understanding that attendees will wear masks and maintain social distancing of 6 feet. Persons not wanting to follow those guidelines, or who feel unsafe with an in-person conversation may once again “tune in” via Facebook on the Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County site.
Rick Morain will be serving as moderator, soliciting questions from either Facebook virtual viewers or questions from the in-person participants.
This educational service is provided to Greene County residents by the Thomas Jefferson Gardens Board. This is the public’s opportunity to learn about the final weeks of the session, understand what bills have successfully passed both funnel dates, and pose questions to the Greene County Representatives about the state of Iowa budget, or other legislative concerns or issues.
INSTRUCTIONS: Persons wanting to be a part of the social media conversation must find “Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County” on Facebook. They must “Like”.
At 10:00 A.M. on Saturday April 10th individuals must go the Facebook site and select “LIVE FEED”. The event will be recorded and remain available for viewing on the site.