Thursday, December 6 will officially kick off the Christmas holidays in Jefferson with the annual Christmas Tree Lighting held in the Thomas Jefferson Gardens. Several organizations have been coordinating this special event to enhance the evening even further.
Here’s the timeline for the Community Christmas Tree Lighting:
5:00-6:00 Holiday stories at the Jefferson Public Library and Greene County Courthouse read by Friends of the Library
5:15 – 5:30 Christmas “Tower Tunes Live” concert played on the Mahanay Carillon
5:30-6:00 Caroling around the square by the Greene County Singers
6:15 Christmas Sing-A-Long at the Welcome Center with the Greene County Singers
5:45-6:15 Cider & cookies served in the Welcome Center. Wishes can be written on a tag to add to the tree with one chosen for a prize. Youngsters will pick up reindeer food for use on Christmas Eve. Everyone can enjoy the Christmas lights while walking around the Thomas Jefferson Gardens.
6:15 Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive at via a secret mode of transportation
6:30 Christmas tree lighting in the Thomas Jefferson Gardens
6:45-7:15 Holiday stories at the Greene County Courthouse by Friends of the Library
6:45-7:30 Santa listens to children’s wishes in the Paul Nally Observation Deck of the Mahanay Bell Tower with free admission courtesy of the Bell Tower Community Foundation
The planning group has added a Light Up the Holiday weekend from Dec. 6 – 9 with residents and businesses encouraged to call the Chamber of Commerce to share their address to be added to a map for visitors to follow. Call 515-386-2155 by Nov. 16.
Chairperson for this event is Angie Reese-Hueser. The Chamber of Commerce, Jefferson Matters: Main Street, Thomas Jefferson Gardens, Friends of the Library and the Bell Tower Community Foundation are coordinating activities for this event.