Deb Kucerak was recently appointed to the Jefferson Matters: Main Street board of directors.
Kucerak has lived in Jefferson since 2006, when her husband Milan accepted a position at West Central Cooperative. She is former business owner on the south side of the Square. She is also a career educator, having taught elementary school in New York, Missouri, Minnesota and Iowa.
Each board member of Jefferson Matters: Main Street is required to wear “two hats.” Kucerak’s second hat will be chair of the Design Committee.
“Deb brings a sense of vitality and commitment to this position,” said Alan Robinson, program director. “She has already been visiting the local businesses and explaining the opportunities and possibilities that Main Street can bring to them. She is a tremendous asset to our efforts to create a dynamic downtown district.”
The board has also made changes within its executive committee. Chris Henning moves from president to past president, Jamie Daubendiek moves from vice president to president, and Amy Milligan moves from treasurer to vice president. Carol Ahrenholtz continues as secretary.
Henning becomes co-chair of the Organization Committee with Karen Voge-Perkins, a newcomer to JM:MS.
JM:MS has also formed a Promotion Committee with board member Deb McGinn joining forces with Lynda Cochran, Amy Roberts and Dianne Piepel, who have worked with McGinn on the Tower View Team, serving as the core of the committee.
Continuing JM:MS board members are Mike Palmer, who serves on the Design Committee with Kucerak, and Bob Smith, chair of the Business Improvement Committee. Ex-officio board members are Ben Yoder, Home State Bank; Michael Cooley, Greene County Extension; and Jefferson Mayor Craig Berry.
The Jefferson Matters: Main Street program is looking for more community residents to get involved in all four points of the Main Street program—Design, Promotion, Organization and Business Improvement. Contact Alan Robinson, program director, at 515-386-3585 or email him at to ask how you can help with the Main Street program or contact a board member or committee chair.