For 31 years, Main Street Iowa has annually presented awards honoring outstanding accomplishments, activities, and people making a difference in Main Street districts across the state. Each Main Street community is encouraged to write nominations for specific categories completed between January 2015 and December 2016. Awards will be presented on Friday, April 7 at Hoyt Sherman Place. The Governor of Iowa and Iowa Economic Development Authority officials will make these award presentations.
Main Street Iowa reported receiving 160 competitive nominations from the 52 Main Street communities. Jefferson Matters: Main Street’s Board of Directors submitted eight. The categories nominated were Best Interior Rehabilitation – Meythaler Photography; Outstanding Beautification Project – Jefferson’s Lincoln Way; Outstanding Business – Home State Bank; Outstanding Fundraiser – Family Feud~Jefferson Edition; Excellent Event – Historical Plaque Walks in 2015 & 2016; Superior Marketing Efforts – Jefferson, IA app; Outstanding Partner – City of Jefferson; and Greatest Game Changer – Empty Building Tour.
A non-competitive “2016 Leadership Award” is presented annually to every Main Street community and chosen by Jefferson Matters: Main Street’s board of directors. Nick Sorensen will be receiving this honor from his extensive volunteer work with the Design and Economic Vitality committees. Nick was honored at the local level at their Volunteer Valentine Party.
This event will be held on Friday, April 7 and anyone interested is invited to attend. It will begin at 5:30 p.m. at Hoyt Sherman Place in Des Moines with the program beginning at 6:30 p.m. Appetizers and a cash bar will be available. Cost is $10 with reservations submitted to Peg Raney at the Main Street office by March 22 or email
President Jamie Daubendiek shared, “I remember when Manning had 40 people attending this event to receive awards. I hope we can have that many attend this year. It is a great time to hear about projects from other Main Street communities and celebrate our successes.”