Covid-19 Testing Update from Greene County Medical Center and Greene County Public Health

Covid-19 Testing Update from Greene County Medical Center and Greene County Public Health
Due to a national shortage of rapid COVID-19 tests we are utilizing PCR COVIID-19 tests which will take a few days for the patients to receive test results. Rapid COVID-19 tests will be reserved for patients experiencing severe symptoms. Greene County Medical Center and Public Health realize this may be an inconvenience for employers and employees. Specific guidelines for Greene County employers and employees is below, including the use of At Home testing. If employee has a positive rapid test at home and they have symptoms regardless of vaccination status:
– Stay home and isolate from others.
– After five days, if you have no symptoms, or your symptoms are resolving, you may leave your home, while wearing a well-fitting mask around others for five additional days.
– There is no need to re-test in order to return to work. If an employee has a positive at home test and has no symptoms regardless of vaccination status:
– Stay home and isolate from others.
– It is recommended that employee make a physician’s appointment to have a PCR test done.
– After five days of quarantine, if no symptoms occur or they are resolving, you may leave your home while wearing a well-fitting mask around others for five additional days.
– There is no need to re-test in order to return to work. If an employee has a negative home test but have symptoms regardless of vaccination status:
– Stay home and isolate from others.
– It is recommended that employee make a physician’s appointment to have a PCR test done.
– If positive stay home and isolate from others, after five days of quarantine, if symptoms are resolving after five days, you may leave your home while wearing a well-fitting mask for an additional five days.
– There is no need to re-test in order to return to work.
If you believe you were exposed to someone with Covid-19, and you have been boosted or completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the last six months, or completed the primary series of Johnson & Johnson within the last two months:
o Wear a mask around others for 10 days.
o Get a Covid-19 test on day five.
o If you develop symptoms, get tested and stay home.

If you believe you were exposed to someone with Covid-19, and you have completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine OVER six months ago and are NOT boosted, or completed the primary series of Johnson & Johnson OVER two months ago and are NOT boosted, or are unvaccinated:
o Stay home and quarantine for five days; after that continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others for five additional days.
o If you cannot quarantine, wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days.
o Test on day five.
o If you develop symptoms, get tested and stay home. Many testing options are available in Greene County. To alleviate potential spread it is recommended if you are asymptomatic to call pharmacies and Public Health to get take home tests, and avoid primary care clinics and the ER. If you are symptomatic please contact your physician or primary care clinic, however, due to the shortage of rapid tests, PCR tests will be administered which take a few days to get back. If you are experiencing shortness of breath or other severe symptoms, please contact your physician or present to the ER. If you are in need of Covid-19 testing please also utilize the following community resources.
– Medicap Pharmacy, Jefferson, Iowa – Call 515-386-3264
– Hy-Vee Pharmacy, Jefferson, Iowa – Call 515-386-4153
– Greene County Public Health, Jefferson, Iowa – Call 515-386-3228 (Free take-home test kits only).
– Greene County Family Medicine Clinic, Jefferson, Iowa – Call 515-386-0500
– McFarland Clinic, Jefferson, Iowa – Call 515-386-4192.
You can also get free at-home Covid-19 tests at Every home in the U.S is eligible to order four kits. Orders ship in 7-12 days. The at-home test rapid antigen kits provide results within 30 minutes. To schedule an appointment for a Covid-19 vaccination, first dose, second dose, or a booster shot, with Greene County Public Health go to or call 515-386-3228.

Greene County Medical Center – Always Here, Always Caring.

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February 2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • Greene County Historical Museum: Open
  • Greene County Historical Museum: Open
  • Larry and Joe @ Elliot Art Studio
  • Greene County Historical Museum: Open
  • Heart to Heart Valentine Program
  • Greene County Historical Museum: Open
  • Greene County Historical Museum: Open
  • Greene County Historical Museum: Open
  • Greene County Historical Museum: Open
  • Watercolor Workshop
  • Pawsome Pastry Acadamy
  • Fraud Awareness Education
  • Greene County Historical Museum: Open
  • Fourth Friday Fireside @ The Courtyard
  • Roaring 20's Murder Mystery Party