Greene County Medical Center Long Term Care has been proactively testing residents and staff along with continuing to strictly adhere to COVID-19 guidelines from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the long term care governing body. During regular weekly testing a positive case was detected today, August 20, 2021 in Long Term Care. The Medical Center was able to quickly begin mitigation efforts including re-implementing stricter visitor guidelines and other COVID-19 precautions to assure the safety and health of all our Long Term Care residents and our staff. Visitation guidelines effective August 20, 2021:
• Indoor/in-room visits are temporarily prohibited with the exception of compassionate care visits and visits required by federal disability rights law.
• Compassionate care visits will be person-centered and case by case with the approval of the Medical Center.
• Compassionate care visitors MUST wear a mask at all times and social distance regardless of vaccination status.
• Outdoor patio visits will continue with proper screening of visitors, wearing of PPE, and proper social distancing for any resident not in quarantine or isolation.
• The Medical Center is encouraging technology visits and staff will assist residents and families to set up these visits.
• Compassionate care, outdoor and technology visits must be scheduled by calling 515- 386-0200.
Greene County Medical Center Long Term Care must adhere to CMS guidelines which includes 14 days without a new positive case amongst our residents and staff to return to open visitation. The county positivity rate must also remain under 10% to allow for open visits for all residents. Greene County Medical Center, our Long Term Care, and Public Health remain committed to promoting vaccination, masking, hand washing and all COVID-19 precautionary standards.