Jefferson has been selected as the site of the fall Main Street workshop on Tuesday, Oct. 22 & Wednesday, Oct. 23. All 54 Main Street communities and the Main Street Iowa staff are required to attend this workshop and other committee members are welcome, so plans are for 80 people to attend.
Darlene Strachan with Main Street Iowa has met several times with Jefferson Matters: Main Street Board members for planning to host the workshop with each committee helping in the various tasks. Design, Organization, Promotion, Economic Vitality and Tower View Team members will be involved in some aspect with meeting location, swag bags, decorations, tours, entertainment, food, drinks and lots of hospitality needed to make this a meaningful workshop experience for those attending.
On Mon., Oct. 21, a Welcome Reception for those participants arriving early with be held at The Forge from 6-7 pm with a tour at 6:30 pm.
On Tuesday, Oct. 22 & Wed., Oct. 23, The Elk’s Lodge will be the location for the sessions during the day with facilitator Jeff Siegler, former Ohio Main Street coordinator and consultant with Revitalize, or Die. The topic is Civic Pride – Fighting Apathy with sessions throughout the day on Tuesday. Another Jeff from Jefferson! Attendees will be able to eat and shop on their own on Tuesday with Jeff from Jefferson bucks from 11:45 – 1:15. A social event with supper will be held at History Boy Theatre from 5:30 – 7 pm on Tuesday. Peoples Bank, Deal’s Orchard and Home State Bank have sponsored the refreshments for the breaks for the two days.
On day two, Jefferson – A Living Laboratory will be shared with a panel discussion on their projects involving Jamie Daubendiek, Chris Deal, Nick Sorensen, Peg Raney & Debra McGinn with a chance for attendees to ask questions. A tour of the community will follow from 10 – 11:45 am. Following a boxed lunch from the Ram Restaurant, the attendees have the afternoon to shop and explore.
With this workshop topic, the Main Street Iowa staff felt that Jefferson was a great location to highlight the many projects accomplished in recent hears because of great leadership and volunteer involvement.
If volunteers are interested in helping with this two day event, please contact any of the board members or Peg at