Jefferson & Greene County Business Status
Supporting small businesses is what Jefferson Matters: Main Street and the Chamber of Commerce is all about. We want to encourage the community to continue to show their support to our friends and neighbors who own and operate businesses during this time. Purchasing gift cards, merchandise and take-out food goes a long way. Writing reviews and recommendations on social media is another way to show support. We’ve seen a number of creative ideas for merchandising or offering a service in a new way offered by our local businesses. Entrepreneurship and creativity have always gone hand-in-hand here and will help us get through this together. The theme of Everyday Extraordinary is being carried out in so many ways.
Jefferson Matters: Main Street and the Jefferson Area Chamber of Commerce are working together to keep residents informed on the status of businesses around Greene County. A Google Sheets document is in the works. Please help us help you by letting us know of any change by emailing Beth VanderWilt at or call 515-386-2155. This would be mainly if there is a change to the regular hours or services provided. The correct contact info for phone or online access would be appreciated.
The Google Sheets document will be published on social media and the Jefferson Matters: Main Street and Chamber websites and kept as accurate as possible during this time.
Thank you for your continued support of our community.